Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a vivid remake of music and video

Do you still remember the days where people perform a song with all the instruments and members to play it and they are called a band ? the days where music has its authenticity because it is not easy to reproduce at the time ? Gone where these days are because today our generation is the lucky one to have technology along our side to enhance these kind of art cause now there is no need to have a band to make your own music , just a computer and a certain program to have a recording of the sounds of a instrument and boom that`s it! . now is this kind of technology we have is awesome right but what is it ? how should we call this kind of evolution in arts ?

Benjamin Walter in 1935 wrote a thesis written in German (Das Kunstwerk) it is called The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. One of the art reproduced in our times is September by Earth,Wind and Fire then revived by pamplamoose , 1 woman and 1 man playing it , the woman sings and plays an instrument at the same time and the man plays other instrument well more than 2 at the same time can you believe it ? well it is because of video and sound editing by a certain software having a recorded sounds of various instrument and another program to arrange and compose it in the computer very clever indeed technology is .
But does the music they made a remake is authentic? which is better the original or the remake? have it judged cause the remake has many enhancement made in to it but does this reduce the aura or the experience we achieved while listening to it ? maybe for our young generation this is better but for the one who listened to this music in its original form enjoys it better , it is because of the technology since people go with the flow and constantly changing their taste buds to fit in the generation they belong in.